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Podcast Episodes
2020 Episodes
Episode 50: This is the Best Time to get started in Real Estate
In this episode, we discuss how he sets seller and buyer expectations, rent collections strategies, and why he feels now is the best time to get started in real estate.
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Episode 47: Unlock Additional Revenue with Multifamily Utility Solutions
Episode 48: Maximizing Your Returns on Real Estate Education
Episode 49: The Benefits of Storing Things versus Housing People
Kevin’s experience has resulted in his company negotiating favorable terms for telecommunications access...
Abel shares how you can best maximize your returns on real estate education, whether it is paid, or unpaid.
After spending nearly a year trying to evict a professional tenant, he decided to pivot and focus on self-storage.
Episode 44: The Intelligent Real Estate Investor
Episode 45: Leveraging Technology and Building a Team Mentality for Effective Property Management
Episode 46: Closing a 1,275 Unit Deal: Advice from a Syndication Powerhouse
Carlyle shares with us his thought process and reason for going after smaller undervalued multifamily deals.
Jimmy shares why he feels on a net basis, property management is a great alternative, how he is leverage technology...
Jorge talks about his reason for switching to the syndication model, his critical scaling variable, and his outlook on the multifamily industry given the current economic environment.
Episode 41: Investing in Real Estate to Live Your Last Life Ever
Jeff takes us through his journey from single-family properties, shopping, and retail investments, to multifamily real estate syndications.
Episode 42: Narrow Your Focus
Jason Postill was a professional baseball player for 5 years before an injury pushed him into sports retirement. He had always dreamed of getting into real estate...
Episode 43: Why Operators Should Develop Tenant Buy-In
David shares with us one of the critical success factors he has found that allows smaller operators in his market thrive, when larger out of state operators enter the market and underperform.
Episode 38: Success with Middle Market Apartment Joint Ventures
Over the past 15 years, Frank has found and developed his niche strategy in middle-market multifamily commercial properties.
Episode 39: Extend Roof Life Up to 15 Years with Roof Maxx
Roof Maxx, an innovative sustainability company, shares with us how they can add up to 15 years of life on an asphalt roof.
Episode 40: Best Practices to Mitigate Risk when Working with Contractors
Failure to meet your value-add timeline or construction cost overruns could erode away your returns.
Episode 35: Achieving Massive Success with Distressed Multifamily Assets
Pankaj Sharma and his family have been taking on some of the toughest multifamily projects
Episode 32: Fall in Love with Your Actions, Not the Results
Gino Barbaro is going to completely eradicate your limiting beliefs. Excuses such as not having enough money...
Episode 36: Deal Sourcing Boils Down to One Word, “Hustle”
Deals are out there for the taking, but only those that “hustle” and put in the time...
Episode 33: Business Entities and the Biggest Mistake Made by New...
Insight into some of the common business entities used by real estate investors...
Episode 37: Avoiding the Matrix by Taking the Red Pill and Living Your Best Life
Maurice talks about avoiding the matrix, negotiating your time, and living the best life...
Episode 34: Scaling from 132 Units to Over 8,000 Units
Dream big! If your goal is to scale your apartment investing business to thousands of units, you don’t want to miss this one!
Episode 29: Maintenance Free Mailbox Money
If you have been investing for some time, are looking to retire soon, or simply...
Episode 30: Retail Outlook & 631-Unit Multifamily Development...
Daniel Salonis and Adam Dickert are in an excellent position to provide us with perspective
Episode 31: Getting Started in Multifamily: Burn the Bridges
If you think your job and career are secured, Agostino Pintus will challenge you to think twice about that...
Episode 26: The Shortest Path from 'A' to 'B' is to Suck it Up and Get it Done!...
Episode 27: Social Media Strategies from The Cost Segregation King
Episode 28: Deal Sourcing Via Thought Leadership Platform
Most people aren't going to take the action necessary to change their situation...
He not only helps investors save a tremendous amount of money on taxes...
If you’re like many other investors out there, you probably think, “deals are very...
Episode 23: The Ins and Outs of Multifamily Property Insurance...
Building a solid relationship with your insurance agent is a key...
Episode 24: Working with Wholesalers for Deal Flow
Ryan McEntee shares with us tips for working with wholesalers from the...
Episode 25: If the Seller is Withholding Information...
Even if a seller appears to be forthcoming with you when providing you...
Episode 19: If You Don't Have Someone Bringing You In, You...
Despite having built a $20 million construction business, earning an MBA...
Episode 20: Strategies to Lower Insurance Costs and Create...
Going into 2020, Matt sees insurance costs on good renewals increase by 20 percent...
Episode 21: Understanding the Commitment Required to Launch...
Time management and having structure around a busy schedule to be one of...
Episode 16: The Investing Musician: Be Prudent Selecting Contractors
Episode 17: Increasing Cash Flows With Water Conservation
Episode 18: When You Really Want Something, You'll Find a Way or...
When you have renovations or repairs you want to be done, whom should you call?
Incorporating water conservation into your multifamily property can increase cash flows and improve returns.
Demetrius shares the lessons he learned from a duplex deal he raised money for and an 88-unit...
Episode 15: How A Consummate Real Estate CPA Saved A Client...
Ted Lanzaro, CPA discusses how he found a special loophole in the tax code...
Episode 10: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone, Network and Learn
Networking is key. You have to get out there, meet everybody and soak up as much knowledge as possible.
Episode 14: Faulty Water Pipelines Could Leave You in Deep Water
Kay Kay shares with us an unseen and oftentimes unexpected repair...
Episode 13: Trust and Verify
After closing on a 12-unit deal, Darius' deal sponsor stopped communicating...
Episode 11: From Broke College Student to $40 Million Portfolio By Age 24
By the time he graduated college, he acquired $ 7 million in multifamily real estate. Every obstacle he faced...
2019 Episodes
Episode 9: Try Not To Focus On Everything
Kavitha took on the daunting task of multifamily real estate investing and fortunately, she learned early on...
Episode 8: Your Network Is Your Net Worth
Tune in to find out how one “wild and crazy idea” Adam came up with allowed him to sell out an investor event in the 11th hour!
Episode 7: Building An Empire While Attending School Full-Time
He started out at the beginning of this year and has already closed some deals. In this episode, Dillano helps us to understand just how simple...
Episode 6: Tenacity and Building Relationships
Prushant shares with us the importance of persistence and building long-term relationships with sellers and other real estate investors.
Episode 4: The Importance of Due Diligence and Asking Questions
Prior to signing and handing over cash for an apartment building you should do your own due diligence, run the numbers...
Episode 3: One Negotiation Tip That Might Save Your Deal
Dan takes us through a deal that he originally lost but eventually won after using one critical negotiation tactic
Episode 2: Use Mindset to Build Your Real Estate Business
In 2006, Rod's portfolio grew $17 million in a single year but would later come crashing down into a $50 million loss at the height of the financial crisis...
Episode 1: Podcast Introduction
Join us in the situation room where we learn about the challenges and mistakes made by experienced real estate investors. In this episode, we discuss the reason for starting the Multifamily Investor Situation Room Podcast; our goals for you; and background information on the show host, Dion Huey. Subscribe today and don't miss out on valuable information you can use immediately to level up your business.
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