An interview-based program that dives into the investor mindset when challenges arise. We explore the decision-making process of successful real estate investors, learn about their mistakes and how you can make the right decisions to make you successful.
Episode 17: Increasing Cash Flows With Water Conservation
With cap rates compressing and operating expenses increasing, investors should look for ways to improve cash flows. Whether you are evaluating a property for acquisition and would like to be more competitive with your offer, or you have an existing property you would like to reduce costs. In this episode, Anselmo Torres, III, and Kelly Stinson, "The Potty Princess" explains how incorporating water conservation into your multifamily property can increase cash flows and improve returns. They are going to walk you through the assessment process, introduce some of the hardware that can be installed, and explain how they use a software called, LeakAware to assist investors in closely monitoring their water consumption so they can identify and tackle leaks early on.
Special Guests Introduction:

ANSELMO TORRES III, Water Conservation Program Specialist
Created a software program called LeakAware that helps multifamily properties monitor their water consumption & detect high consumption / leaks.
Walked over 300 properties across 30,000+ units performing audits & collecting data.
Passionate about water conservation and sustainability and saving our most precious resource one leak at a time.
Connect with Anselmo Torress III, or send him an email at atorres@sasconserve.com

KELLY STINSON “The Potty Princess” – National Sales Manager, SAS
Passionate about water & energy conservation and the influence we have to improve the environment
“Potty Princess” nickname caught traction 2 years ago through my continued commitment of bringing awareness, education, & support across the country to multifamily property owners relative to the financial and environmental impact of old toilets on their properties.
2019 YTD I have saved multifamily property owners over $2 MILLION on their water/sewer bills coupled with reducing water consumption by just over 200 million gallons (that will fill 303 Olympic size swimming pools)
Connect with Kelly Stinson, search #ThePottyPrincess, or check out their website at www.SASConserve.com

About Dion:
Dion Huey is a Co-founder at Delta Bridge Capital LLC which is a multifamily real estate investment company that invests in value-add apartment communities in the United States. He earned a master's degree in finance at Northeastern University in 2017 and worked on multiple business syndications as a financial analyst for Boston-based Plateau Asset Management which is a private equity search fund that has $30 million AUM. In 2017, Dion was an analyst on a deal team that advised Citic Investment Bank's Hong Kong private equity division on the syndication of a $1.5 billion acquisition of a hotel in New York. He is currently the host of The Multifamily Investor Situation Room Podcast.
In 2010 he co-founded Rocky Mountain Education and Technology Group which is a Beijing-based education services company that has serviced more than 5,000 clients. In his spare time, Dion enjoys reading, martial arts, lifting, and learning foreign languages. Contact the author at dion@deltabridgecap.com.